Emotions can take you all over the place and at times can even impact your faith. They shouldn't, but they can. I have felt the LORD calling us toward adoption and knew that we would face roadblocks in the process. However, when those roadblocks came, I thought I would be better prepared. As of right now, we do not qualify to adopt internationally because of our negative net worth. There is nothing we can do short term to change that reality. So adopting internationally in the near future falls into the 'impossible' category for us.
For the past couple of weeks, that reality didn't bother me. I know I serve a God of the impossible. Last night however, the question of whether God had truly called us to this endeavor entered my mind. I believed He had, but what if I misunderstood. Obviously, we can't adopt internationally right now. So maybe He was trying to tell us something else, because what I thought He was calling to can't be done (humanly speaking).
This morning, as I mulled over other possibilities to care for children in need, I got on my computer and noticed the verse of the day. I have a verse of the day application posted on my home page when I web surf. So what verse was it for this morning?
Numbers 23:19
God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? (New International Version)
Just when I'm questioning God's calling, because of external circumstances, God hits me with that. If God calls us to something, He will act to make sure it happens. External circumstances are irrelevant to the power of God. He enjoys calling His people to the impossible, because in those situations He is glorified the most.
Later that morning I did a little Bible research on God displaying His power in impossible situations. I looked up Numbers 11 about God's word to Moses that the Israelite people would eat meat for a month. Moses looked at God's word from a human perspective and said, "Impossible!" Even if all the livestock were slaughtered, there wouldn't be enough meat to feed all the people for a month. Listen to how God responded to Moses' doubt. "Is the Lord’s arm too short? You will now see whether or not what I say will come true for you." Numbers 11:23 (NIV)
Is the LORD's arm too short? Who am I to question the power and provision of the LORD? I'm not one that should tell God what He can and can not do. If He calls us to adopt internationally, He will make it happen. I still don't know how, but neither did Moses have a clue how God would feed the people meat for a month. But God did, and that's the point that matters. He will provide.
Truth has stumbled
*14**Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far away; for truth
has stumbled in the public squares, and uprightness cannot enter. **15**Truth
3 months ago