Anyone who has looked into foreign adoption understands the expenses involved. Not only are there home study fees, agency fees, and country fees, but you also have the costs of travel and lodging in country, required vaccinations, passports and other miscellaneous fees. All in all it adds up to twenty thousand dollars plus depending on the country you adopt from.
Fortunately, there are agency that provide grants and interest free loans to help with expenses, but it won't cover all the expenses. We know that ultimately God will be the one to provide the funds for us, but we also want to do what we can to raise the necessary funds. God has already shown His hand of provision by providing us with a much larger tax return then we expected. We thought we might owe something this year, but actually received a substantial return. Praise the LORD!
One way we are trying to do our part is by selling a children's fantasy novel I have written. The title of the novel is Daniel and the Sea Serpent. It's an exciting adventure filled with the elements children love and the values parents want to instill. You can find it on Amazon and at Createspace. Here's a link if you are interested:
We plan on using the proceeds to help fund our adoption and look for other creative ways as well. I have a feeling though, that the LORD will surprise us with provisions that were completely unexpected. He often does that to reveal His glory.
Truth has stumbled
*14**Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far away; for truth
has stumbled in the public squares, and uprightness cannot enter. **15**Truth
3 months ago